Thursday 29 October 2015

NHS England recognition for Healthy Me Healthy Communities

NHS community grant awarded to Healthy Me Healthy Communities

Healthy Me Healthy Communities is one of only eleven organisations to receive an NHS England community grant recognising excellence in patient and public participation.

Healthy Me Healthy Communities has been awarded the grant for its work in developing a community health plan for Rusholme involving GPs, staff, councillors, residents and patients.
HMHC will use the grant to develop resources and material that can be shared through NHS England’s website for the benefit of local and national organisations. This will enable health and voluntary sector organisations from across England to explore good practice and learn from HMHC's successful engagement work.

The Celebrating Participation in Healthcare grants have been made available to community groups who have been demonstrating innovative and creative approaches to getting patients and the public involved in shaping healthcare.

1 comment:

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