Monday 28 October 2013

Rusholme Film Club November 13 - February 14

Join us for some great films at Rusholme Film Club- the friendly way to watch a film.

See the attachments below for our new programme for November, December, January and February. Starting in November with a genuine classic- The Million Dollar Mermaid.

Rusholme Film Club is co-produced by Healthy Me Healthy Communities


Friday 25 October 2013 introduction

What is co-production?

Co-production is about recognising the wide range of resources within our communities from those provided by statutory partners to the resources of the citizen. It is about delivering services with rather than for service-users, their families and communities. Co-production regards the consumption and production of services as inseparable. So individuals get involved in the planning, designing, delivery and managing of community services.

It is not about residents doing it for themselves. In fact it is the opposite- it is about the combined contribution of both the individual, public sector and other stakeholders. This requires a different type of involvement from statutory partners not less involvement.

Why co-production?

When people are involved there are 3 main benefits:

ü  People’s health improves not just from taking part in the activity but from being involved in making it happen. For example, feeling useful and involved improves confidence, reduces social isolation thus reducing mental ill-health.

ü  People become more aware of how they can take responsibility for their own and communities’ health.

ü  More people benefit from more local healthy living provision.

This leads to:

ü  Local activities and services becoming more responsive to local needs and aspirations. People and communities are in the best position to know what they need and how best to meet these.

ü  Improved access, accountability and satisfaction of services.

ü  Health needs are met with fewer visits to healthcare providers, reducing reliance on frontline services.


Making it happen…

Healthy Me Healthy Communities has a range of exciting and supportive products to explore co-production and build resident’s involvement in the services and improvements they want to see.

The HMHC products offer a 'skills escalator.' Participants start at a point that they feel comfortable in using their existing skills and experience. The supportive and challenging programmes help people and communities to play a part in co-producing the community services they want.

Start with the ‘Real Life Research’ programme- a great way for exploring co-production.

More information can be found at



Monday 21 October 2013

New Cook and Taste course starting soon

Healthy Me Healthy Communities has a new ‘cook and taste’ course starting Tuesday 12th November for 6-weeks. Also there will be an optional further 6-weeks for budding cooking-group leaders.

1st session: Tuesday 12th November

Last session: Tuesday 17th December

10.30am  – 12.30pm

At Moss Side Millennium Power House in Manchester, M14 4SL

(Priority places for Rusholme, Fallowfield and Moss-Side residents)

The course will cover:

ü  Basic cooking skills

ü  Eating well

ü  Cooking on a budget

ü  Sharing your new found cooking skills!

With the help of Ruth and Rich you will be soon cooking healthy and mouth-watering meals whilst learning the cooking basics. So don’t delay and book today!

Contact Rich Browning:

T: 07913 540680

Twitter: HMHCmcr

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Everybody is talking about it....

Co-production.....making health and wellbeing personal and local

But where to start?

Healthy Me Healthy Communities have a great range of products for residents and people to explore co-production and become involved in the services they want.

Start with our Real Life Research programme or a We-Can Taster:

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Film Clubs are good for you and your communities’ health!

Film Clubs are good for you and your communities’ health!

Rusholme Film Club is starting its second year of film showings after a successful first year showing a varied collection of films and partner presentations. Film Clubs are great way for people to socialise and get involved in their community- ingredients for a long, healthy and happy life!

So what is a film club? A film club is the friendly way to watch a film, members help to select the films- classics, world-cinema, social films or the latest DVD release. The film is shown using a projector, screen and DVD player. People arrive a little earlier- enjoy a brew, refreshments and a natter with friends. Sometimes there are trailers- these are organisations providing information on their services or community activities. The great thing is that you can make it your own- maybe a retro refreshment bar complete with the usherette’s torch, an after-film discussion group or your own film-making workshops.

What are the benefits? It is a great way of meeting new people in your community, find out about other groups and services. A film club is very effective for reducing isolation and building networks- essential for good health and wellbeing.  Groups and organisations can use film clubs as a way of reaching out into their community. Importantly a film club offer lots of ways for people to get involved and make it a success- what we call ‘co-production’! There are lots of roles for film-buffs, the physical types, social animals and of course the organiser.

Sounds good? Where to start? So you think a film club would be good for bringing people together and working together in your community? Here at Healthy Me Healthy Communities we can help with making it happen. Using our experience and equipment we can provide support with making your film-club a reality. We cover all aspects including the legal part and funding opportunities.

So for an informal chat please contact Rich Browning:

T: 07913 540680

Twitter: HMHCmcr

Rusholme Film Club

Our great new poster thanks to Paul Gallagher- our volunteer poster designer.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Rusholme Film Club starting again on Sunday 20th October.....Searching for Sugarman

Rusholme Film Club is back, the friendly way to watch a film!

We open the new programme with ‘Searching for Sugarman’ on Sunday 20th October.


Birch Community Centre, Brighton Grove, M14 5JT

Sunday 20th October

5.30pm chat and mingle

6pm film showing

For those new to Rusholme Film Club, we show a variety of films using a projector and screen. So the Odeon it isn’t but you can catch with your friends, make some new ones and find out about what else is happening in magical Rusholme and further afield. And of course it is free (thanks to a Manchester City Council Cash Grant) and refreshments are available.

So don’t be shy, Rob welcomes all new members with a brew and a chat!

So a little about our next film….

Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez.